BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


 Official BMW Club                                                                                                                                Member Club

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  • Visiting and Riding around the ACT, Our Rides


The BMWMCCACT is not responsible for any injury or loss arising form your choosing to use the following map routes.  The Google Map links are provided for general interest and use by visitors to the ACT and southern NSW that offer great rides in varying terrain.  We have not offered any rating as this will depend on the rider, their ability, type of motorbike and experience.  Always ride to the the conditions, your experience and ability.  Be prepared for changing conditions and aware that there is a lot of wildlife in and around the ACT.  Kangaroos in particular have very poor road sense and can cross the road even after making apparent 'eye' contact.  Mobile phone coverage is limited away from major population centres and roads.  Let someone know when and where you are riding.  Enjoy the ride and if you know of another route why not share it with

Motorcycle Parking in the ACT

Concerned citizen Kate Armstrong has created a website listing all the motorcycle friendly parking spots in the ACT.  The website includes maps and locations and can be accessed on your mobile device.  Check it out here

Looking for somewhere to Stay?

Then have a look at:

 Aussie Towns  A Definitive Travel Guide to Australian Towns and Destinations

Bitumen (sealed) Road Routes

Dirt Road Routes

Adventure Dirt Road Routes

  • Cotter to Mt Corree and return 67km.  Very challenging if wet.
  • Cotter Loop via Two Sticks Road ~140km.  Google doesn't like the 'missing link', so zoom in on the map.    

Visiting Somewhere Else & Guides

The BMWMCC Inc. is not responsible for the content of external sites.  Read Why or email  © BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra Inc. (BMWMCC) 2021.  We changed names from BMW Motorcycle Club ACT.  
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