Official BMW Club Member Club
Updated 7th September - a suggestion from those on the September mid-week ride is for the October mid-week ride to consider outbound to Yass via Bungendore, Gunning and Dalton, with return via Mountain Creek Rd.
This is a social opportunity for members and visitors to meet for morning coffee and optional ride, with the route and destination decided by those present on the day (usually the first Thursday of each month).
This is NOT an organised event, other than the meeting location and time: 09:00 at KT Bee's Kitchen, 5/6 Bungendore Rd, Queanbeyan East NSW 2620.
You could find yourself the only one there or one of several. It’s up to the group on the day to decide on a ride and to where, or to simply enjoy a coffee and chat.
Registration for this event is optional - you do not need to register for this event.
Questions or suggestions for rides, then email